Month: October 2015

COMP3331/9331 15s2 Assignments (Programming)

COMP3331/9331 15s2 Assignments (Programming)



Programming Assignment (60 Marks + 5 bonus):

Due Date: 23 October 2015, 11:59 pm, Friday


Specification can be found here (version 1.1, Last update: 14/10/15).

Setup script for Java can be found here

Setup script for C can be found here


Sample Client Server Programs:

This is a sample client server program using TCP that you can download and execute. This will provide you with a working example of a simple application and will be useful when you start developing your assignment. As the name suggests this

Assignment 3 COMP9021, Session 2, 2015

Assignment 3
COMP9021, Session 2, 2015
Aims: The purpose of the assignment is to:
 process command-line arguments in the style of Unix utilities;
 become familiar with trees;
 possibly implement recursive solutions;
 develop problem solving skills.
Command line arguments
Both programs will read command line arguments. To read those we import the sys module and
process sys.argv, a list of strings whose rst element is the name of the module being interpreted,
whose second element is the rst command line argument, whose third element is the second command
line argument, etc. So if no command line argument is provided, then sys.argv is a list of length 1.
Your programs will be stored in les named and Upload yours
le using WebCMS. Assignments can be submitted more than once: the last version is marked. Your
assignment is due by November 1 11:59pm.
For each test, the automarking script will let your program run for 30 seconds.
For each of the two program

C++ basic

For this problem, you will use the rand function (srand, time) to generate a sequence S of k random integers in the range [m, m+1, …, n].

You will need to prompt the user to enter values for k, m, and n in your main function. Implement the MergeSort sorting technique as follows:

– Make a function called get_random that returns a random integer in the range [m, m+1, …, n]

int get_random(int m, int n)

CSC 207 Software Design

CSC 207 Software Design
Fall 2015 | Assignment 1
 Due date: Thursday 22 October 9:00pm
 Group size: Individual
For Assignment 1, you will implement a set of Java classes according to the UML diagrams provided in
this assignment description. To help make sure you have properly translated the UML diagrams into code,
we have provided a type checker with your starter code; make sure to check your code with it before the
assignment due date.
Learning Goals
By the end of this assignment, you should have:
1. gained an understanding of how one speci es the design for an object oriented (OO) program using
basic UML class diagrams,
2. implemented a given OO design, speci ed by a UML class diagram, in Java,
3. become more familiar with Java generics, interfaces, abstract classes, and inheritance,
4. practised writing high quality Java documentation.
What to do for this assignment
1. Update your local copy of your subversion repository to get the starter les for the assignment. You
should see a dire

COMPSCI 335: Assignment #3 – La Boutique Cassée

COMPSCI 335: Assignment #3 – La Boutique Cassée


La Boutique Cassée is an online shop selling books and blurays. The shop uses a service-oriented architecture with a customer-facing UI front-end, and a service back-end. The service back-end consists of two separate services and associated RESTful interfaces.

One of the services is open to all, and allows the user to browse and search through the shop. It also allows a user to place and view comments on the shop, as well as to register at the shop. The other service is only for registered users and this allows purchasing of items. Registered users are required to authenticate before using this service.


Consuming the Service – Building a UI

An online version of the two services supporting the shop are available at

COMP1010 (D01) – Fall 2015 – Assignment 2 —Java Basic

COMP1010 (D01) – Fall 2015 – Assignment 2
Due: Oct 13, 2015, 11:59 PM
Material Covered:
 Loops
 Static Methods
 Please follow the “Programming Standards” for all your works.
 Hand-in will be via the UMLearn Dropbox facility. Make sure you leave enough time before the deadline to ensure your hand-in works properly.
 Keep in mind that the UMLearn Dropbox facility will only keep the most recent submission. Therefore, if you want to update your submission, make sure you re-upload ALL your assignment files.
Question 1: Star Patterns (version 2)
We saw this question in Assignment 1, now let’s spice it up a little bit. 🙂
Write a program that uses loops to displays the following patterns:
* *****
* ****
* ***
* **
* *
Different from the question in Assignment 1, here are two extra rules:
1. You are allowed to use at most 5 System.out.print() (or println()) in your code. (Exclude the print for “End of processing…” at the end)
2. Each System.out.print() (or println()) can only output 1 ch

Socket Programming

CSEE 4119: Computer Networks, Fall 2015
Programming Assignment 1: Socket Programming
Due October 8th
Academic Honesty Policy
You are permitted and encouraged to help each other through Piazza’s web board. This only
means that you can discuss and understand concepts learnt in class. However, you may NOT
share source code or hard copies of source code. Refrain from sharing any material that could
cause your source code to APPEAR TO BE similar to another student’s source code enrolled
in this or previous years. Refrain from getting any code off the Internet. Cheating will be
dealt with severely. Cheaters will be penalized. Source code should be yours and yours only.
Do not cheat.
1. Introduction
In this assignment, starting from the simplest chat functionalities, you will develop more
comprehensive servers for messaging applications, including elementary security features and
current state of the chatroom.
This will require that various processes in different machines
are able to work with each other, and recupe

Logic Plan


In this project, your Pacman agent will logically plan his way to the goal. You will write software that generates the logical sentences describing moving, eating, and (predictable) ghosts. You will encode initial states and goals and use logical inference to find action sequences that are consistent with these.

This diagram outlines the different steps of the propositional logic planning process.


As in Projects 0 and 1, this project includes an autograder for you to grade your answers on your machine. This can be run with the command:


See the autograder tutorial in Project 0 for more information about using the autograder.

The code for this project consists of several Python files, some of which you will need to read and understand in order to complete the assignment, and some of which you can ignore.

Files you’ll edit: Wh

Grocery Store Simulation

Assignment 1 – Grocery Store Simulation

Marking scheme posted!

Sample tests posted! (See the unit test file for details.)

Grocery stores often have a difficult task: they must determine how many employees to hire to staff checkout lines during varying levels of customers throughout the day. Too few open lines means customers spend time angrily waiting; too many, and the store loses money paying its employees. It’s also important to get the right mix of regular and express checkout lines, and perhaps even self-serve lines. Which combination is best depends on what kind of customers the store has.

In this assignment, you’ll build an event-driven simulation for a grocery store, which will model customers using different types of checkout

Race Condition Vulnerability Lab

Race Condition Vulnerability Lab

Lab Overview The learning objective of this lab is for students to gain the first-hand experience on the race-condition vulnerability by putting what they have learned about the vulnerability from class into actions. A race condition occurs when multiple processes access and manipulate the same data concurrently, and the outcome of the execution depends on the particular order in which the access takes place. If a privileged program has a race-condition vulnerability, attackers can run a parallel process to “race” against the privileged program, with an intention to change the behaviors of the program. In this lab, students will be given a program with a race-condition vulnerability; their task is to develop a scheme to exploit the vulnerability and gain the root privilege. In addition to the attacks, students will be guided to walk through several protection schemes that can be used to counter the race-condition attacks. Students need to eva