c语言程序代写: list, tree, binary search tree

Assignment 9 Problem 0. [2+2=4 Marks correctness]

Problem 0 is a “warm-up” question. You are allowed to collaborate with your fellow classmates and discuss the solution on piazza.

a) Complete the C program mylist.c to print the following: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

b) Complete the C program mytree.c to print the following: 20 35 78

Note: No helper functions are allowed (for both parts a & b). You are supposed to build the list (in part a) or the BST tree (in part b) node by node. You are NOT allowed to change any implementation provided in mylist.c nor in mytree.c

Assignment 9 Problem 1. [36 Marks Correctness. File: list.c]

Goal: to practice implementing linked list in C

Write the C implementation list.c for the interface

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