CSE 143 Computer Programming II solution

CSE 143: Computer Programming II Spring 2015

HW2: HTMLManager (due Thursday, April 16, 2015 11:30pm)

This assignment focuses on using Stack and Queue collections. Turn in the following files using

the link on the course website:

• HTMLManager.java – A class that manages the source code for a website.

You will need the support files HTMLTag.java, HTMLTagType.java, HTMLParser.java, and HTML-
Main.java, and cse143.util from the resources button on the course website; place these in the same

folder as your program or project. You should not modify the provided files. The code you submit must

work properly with the unmodified versions.

Although this assignment relates to websites and HTML, you will not need to know how to write HTML

to complete the assignment.

What is HTML?

Web pages are written in a language called “Hypertext Markup Language”, or HTML. An HTML file

consists of text surrounded by markings called tags. Tags give information to the text, such as formatting

(bold, italic, etc.) or layout

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