ENEE140 solution


Project 2: Integer Arithmetic Expression Evaluator

Project Objective:

1. get familiar with the process of completing a programming project.

2. learn how to use and manipulate arrays.

3. understand precedence and associative rules.

4. use program selection: if, if-else, switch statements.

5. use basic loops (while, do-while, for) for repetition.

Project Description:

In this project, you will design and implement a program to evaluate an arithmetic

expression. The arithmetic expression will contain only integers, both positive and negative, and

the following six basic binary operators +, -, %, /, *, and ^ as well as parentheses ().

Your program should read in the expression from an input file. The input file has a

specific format, which is described below. After reading the expression, you first will need to

evaluate all the negative operands in the expression; next you will evaluate the expression inside

the parentheses; followed by the power operator ^, then *, /, and % operators, and f

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