java swing

1. Submission and Grading Instructions
1.1 Final Code
The project must be named (in Eclipse) with the following format
LabNumber_FirstName_LastName_AssignmentNumber _FInal_StudentNumber, e.g.
For the code the entire project MUST be submitted (not just the source files)
To submit, export the project (including all the libraries used) into a zip file (Archive
File) and name it exactly the same as the project name
(Please note failure to meet any of these submission requirements above would
result in a penalty of 0.25 pt each)
No late submission will be accepted. If you do not complete the assignment by the
deadline, you will receive 0. For a legitimate reason a late submission might be allowed
pending discussion with your TA before the deadline. You may be required to provide
supporting documents.
For the coding, make sure your code is syntax error free so that it runs properly on the lab
machine. You would receive for the assignment if your code failed to run due to either
syntax errors or runtime exception.
Grading for Milestone 1: Will be done by a quick demo to TA during week 13 lab – make
sure you attend to get marks.
2. Overview of the Assignment
A4 Big picture: You will continue working on your simulation from and Assignment
4 Milestone 2.
You will learn how to build user interface using Java Swing components, and how to
control functionality of your program via UI. You will also expand on the
functionality of the simulation by enriching its content with more media types (e.g.
irregular, complex shapes, images, audio etc.), more intelligent features (e.g. sorting
and search), and some more advanced concepts (e.g. exception handling, design
patterns etc.)
This final assignment will go three iterations: milestone 1 (one week), milestone 2
(one week), and final code (two weeks).
Learning objectives for Milestone 2
By doing this assignment you will learn how to:
Use packages to organize code properly
Create objects using factory pattern
Add features dynamically using decorator
Create custom irregular shapes
Add sound effects to the simulation world
2.2. Programming Requirements
In the final code, you will make your simulation rich in application of multimedia, must
include texts, custom shapes, sound effects, and more importantly interesting micro-
animations (e.g. wing flapping, tail wiggling, leg alternating etc.) and sensible
interactions that are appropriate in the environment.
I. Coding requirements
1) At least 4 named packages (
default package is NOT allowed) that group your
classes properly (e.g.
main, garden, pond … – create descriptive packages that
fits to the theme of your own application)
2) Follows strict naming convention for package (please note it’s different from
the rest constructs), classes, methods and variables
3) For major objects including preys and predators must be created using
factory pattern (no abstract class is required though)
4) Code must be refactored to have NO redundant code, esp. between
superclasses and subclasses, there should be no redundant fields and/or
methods that are the same or serve exactly the same functionalities
5) Use try-catch to handle potential runtime error, mainly NullPointerException
and IndexOutOfBoundsException. Please note if a runtime error as such

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