RPS and Image Transformations

Rock, Paper, Scissors (30 points)

For the first part of this project, you will be implementing the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. For those unfamiliar with the rules, typically the game is played with two people who use hand gestures to represent a rock (closed fist), paper (an open hand), or scissor (a vee made with your fingers.) Each person displays their choice at the same time and the winner is determined by (winner in bold):

Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock breaks scissors

Your job is to write a program where a human can play against the computer in a best-of-5 tournament. The first to win three games wins the match. Have the human player enter their choice, and then have the computer randomly pick its choice. If the two match, the game is a tie and doesn’t count. Otherwise you will add one to the score of the winner. After the match is over, you should ask the user if they would like to play again.


Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors

Would you like to play? yes

What is your choice? scissors
The computer chooses rock. You lose this game!

The score is now you: 0 computer: 1


  • Generating random numbers in C is a two-step part. First, we need to seed the random number generator onceper program. The idiom to do this is:
    srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
  • When we need random numbers, we can use the rand() function. It returns an unsigned integer between 0 and RAND_MAX. We can use modulus to reduce it to the range we need:

int value = rand() % (high – low + 1) + low;

Image Transformations (70 points)

A Bitmap Image File (typical extension: .bmp) is a container format for a big array of pixels. There are a variety of ways that BMP files can encode image data, but we will focus on one particular form and write a program that performs two simple image transformations: Inverting the image and Converting a color image to grayscale.

Inverting an image means to take each pixel (a “picture element” – basically one discrete colored point in a larger image) and produce the “opposite” color, which we will define as being the bitwise-NOT of each pixel’s color value.

Converting a color image to grayscale is precisely what it says, we will take the various colors of the image and replace them by differing intensities of the color gray.

We will be assuming Windows Bitmap files whose contents are 24-bit RGB color. This means that each pixel is represented by a 24-bit number, split into three 8-bit parts. The first part is the intensity of the color blue, the second is the intensity of the color green, and the third is the intensity of the color red, each expressed as an integer value from 0-255. (Yes, that’d actually make it BGR and not RGB, but BMP is just weird that way…)

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