Socket Programming

CSEE 4119: Computer Networks, Fall 2015
Programming Assignment 1: Socket Programming
Due October 8th
Academic Honesty Policy
You are permitted and encouraged to help each other through Piazza’s web board. This only
means that you can discuss and understand concepts learnt in class. However, you may NOT
share source code or hard copies of source code. Refrain from sharing any material that could
cause your source code to APPEAR TO BE similar to another student’s source code enrolled
in this or previous years. Refrain from getting any code off the Internet. Cheating will be
dealt with severely. Cheaters will be penalized. Source code should be yours and yours only.
Do not cheat.
1. Introduction
In this assignment, starting from the simplest chat functionalities, you will develop more
comprehensive servers for messaging applications, including elementary security features and
current state of the chatroom.
This will require that various processes in different machines
are able to work with each other, and recupe

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