Month: November 2015


Homework 6 – Paging
Due by 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, 12/1/15
Write a program that simulates the FIFO and LRU page-replacement algorithms. Your program should
accept four command-line arguments specifying the page size, the total logical memory size, the pagereplacement
algorithm to use, and the number of frames allocated. The page and logical memory sizes
should be specified by their binary logs. Thus, the following command would simulate a page size of
1KB and a logical memory size of 64KB, using LRU page-replacement with 8 frames allocated:
./simulate-paging 10 16 LRU 8
Your program should read lines from standard input, each containing a hexadecimal number
representing the virtual address of a memory reference. With each memory reference, your program
should update an internal page table, keeping track of the number of page faults generated (using pure
demand paging). Your program should also maintain any other data structures necessary to implement
the two page-replacement algorithms. Your program should termina

Software Design

CSC 207 Software Design
Winter 2015 | Exercise 2
1 Logistics
 Due date: 9:00pm Tuesday 10 November 2015
 Group size: Individual
 Topics: Java Generics, Exceptions
For the rules and procedures for the exercises, including how to submit, please see the Exercises page of the
course website.
2 What to do for this exercise
1. Your individual svn repository now contains a new directory called E2. It contains the starter code for
this exercise. Checkout and study the starter code.
2. Complete/implement Java classes and, so that obey the
speci cations below and the descriptions in the starter code.
3. To submit your work, add and commit your changes to your repository.
Do not commit the les and directories generated by Eclipse, such as bin, doc, .project, etc. Marks
will be deducted if you submit these.
3 Abstract Data Type: Graph
In this exercise, you will implement a data structure to represent a graph. A graph consists of nodes and
edges. An edge is a connection between two


CPSC2620—Fall 2015

Assignment 4Due: November 6, 2015 11:55 pm

1. Write a program which reads in a list of words and produce two lists of output.

• The first list is the list of distinct words in the file as well as the number of timeseach word occurs in the input. The words should first be converted to lower case(write a helper function to convert a character to its lower case equivalent anduse transform in STL). This list should be sorted in “dictionary order” based onthe words. If the list of words is:abcd Computer science computer games

The output should look like (the exact format is up to you):Word Frequency——————— ———abcd 1computer 2games 1science 1

• The second list is the list of distinct words sorted in decreasing frequency. Wordswith the same frequency should be listed in “dictionary order.” For the list above,the output should look like:Frequency Word——— ———————2 computer1 abcd1 games1 science

You may assume that the words are separated by white

Prime Factor List

Com S 228 Fall 2015

Project 3: Prime Factor List (200 pts)

Due at 11:59pm   Monday, November 2

1. Prime Factorization  A prime number is an integer greater than one and is divisible by one and itself only.  The sequence of prime numbers starts with 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, …   You may check out the first 500 primes at the following site:

There are infinitely many primes.  As of September 2015, the largest known prime is 257,885,161 –  1, which has 17,425,170 digits.

An integer greater than one and divisible by a third natural number besides 1 and itself is called a composite number.  For example, 4 is a composite number because it is also divisible by 2 in addition to 1 and itself.  The sequence of composite numbers starts with 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, …

By definition, 1 is neither a prime number nor a composite number.

The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic states that every integer greater than one is either