
c++ programm assignments

This project is the main assessment of this subject. It is worth 40% of your total

assessment. You are required to write a C++ program to solve all problems. All work is

to be completed individually. If parts or all of the source code you submit is not your own

work, you will receive ZERO.

Part 1. Design

This first part is worth 20% of you total assessment. It is consist of 5 tasks. You need to


• Programming object list

• Algorithm

• C++ Coding

Task1: Miles per Gallon.

A liter is 0.264179 gallons. Write a program that will read in the number of liters of

gasoline consumed by the user’s car and the number of miles traveled by the car, and

will then output the number of miles per gallon the car delivered. You must show the

outputs as given in the example. You must show the numbers in fixed point left justified

and in three decimal places as in the example.


This program read the number of liters of gasoline consumed (gasoline In

Liters) and the number of miles traveled by the ca

ESE 224 minesweep 实现

ESE 224 Spring 2015 Course Project Description

Over the course of this semester, you learn various coding concepts in C++ that are applicable to programming in general. This class project is designed to show you how many of these concepts can be used together in a single application and will test your familiarity with programming these concepts. This project is intended for 2-4 people groups.

We will provide a rigid skeleton guide which you MUST follow, but how to implement components in the skeleton is your decision. This means that any public method signature should not be modified (its return type, name, and parameters). However, you are free to remove, add, or edit any private methods you feel necessary. The private methods are included as a guideline to structuring and organizing your code. The private variables should also not be modified, as much of the public functions rely on these private variables. This means we (i.e

CSCI212 assignment3 solution: shell interpreter implementation



Assignment 3 (7.5 marks)

Due 11:59pm Sunday May 17, 2015.

The aim of this assignment is to write a simple shell interpreter demonstrating you knowledge of process

control. In addition to this you will get some experience with file system API’s.

Task One (4.5 marks)

You first task is to write a simple shell interpreter, which executes commands. You shell interpreter should

display a $ prompt and wait for user input.

You shell interpreter is to be a little simplistic, all you can do is execute commands. If a command cannot be

found you should display a suitable error message. When executing a command the shell interpreter should

wait until the command terminates. To implement command execution simply use the function call fork()

and exec(). Note that there are many variations on the exec() function call. To block the shell, you

should use the wait() (or similar) function call.

At the end of this step you should be able to do this:

$ ./foobar

./foobar does not exist.

$ ls

b+ tree implementation


In this project, you will implement a B+-tree in which each node contain entries of the form [key, ptr] and some required header information. In the leaf node, ptr is the pointer pointing to the record id of a data record with search key value, and in the non-leaf node(index node), ptr is the pointer pointing to the child node which may be index or leaf node. Since we are not implementing data file layer in this project, we will keep all leaf node pointers NULL. You must implement the full search and insert algorithms as discussed in class. In particular, your insert routine must be capable of dealing with overflows (at any level of the tree) by splitting pages. Keys should be stored in sorted order. Deletes will be handled by simply deleting the key and pushing the remaining keys in the node. You do not need to implement merging of nodes on deletes. But, you do need to keep all nodes updated without any holes when records are deleted(i.e, when you delete a key

四道 C++ 程序代写

Problem #1 (25 points)

Note that no global variables and data are allowed. All methods (as if you need them) must be

written explicitly and no library/package methods are allowed.

1. Write a function named as extractMostSeenEvenDigitProblem1YourName(),

which will

i. Receive an integer as argument; and

ii. Search and display the digits as shown in the output below; and

iii. Return the digit that has the largest occurrence.

1. A sample a program with main() would produce the sample output below – Your code must

take care of other possible output scenarios as well.


* MENU *

* 1. Calling extractMostSeenEvenDigitProblem1YourName() *

* 2. Quit *


Select an option (1 or 2): 1

Enter an integer: 302480443

Calling displayDigitProblem1YourName() –

There is/are 9 digit(s) with 4 even digit(s).

With the 4 even digits,

4 occurs 3 time(s)

0 occurs 2 time(s)

2 occurs 1 time(s)

8 occurs 1 t

ENEE140 solution


Project 2: Integer Arithmetic Expression Evaluator

Project Objective:

1. get familiar with the process of completing a programming project.

2. learn how to use and manipulate arrays.

3. understand precedence and associative rules.

4. use program selection: if, if-else, switch statements.

5. use basic loops (while, do-while, for) for repetition.

Project Description:

In this project, you will design and implement a program to evaluate an arithmetic

expression. The arithmetic expression will contain only integers, both positive and negative, and

the following six basic binary operators +, -, %, /, *, and ^ as well as parentheses ().

Your program should read in the expression from an input file. The input file has a

specific format, which is described below. After reading the expression, you first will need to

evaluate all the negative operands in the expression; next you will evaluate the expression inside

the parentheses; followed by the power operator ^, then *, /, and % operators, and f

COMP2355 lab11 solution


In this lab you’ll implement a program which uses multiple threads to divide up a simple problem

into independent sub-tasks. Source code for this lab is supplied in Lab11Source.zip .

Write the function ThreadedSum which is declared as:

double ThreadedSum(int numThreads, size_t arraySize);

You’ll find an empty function definition in main.cpp in the supplied source code. This function

should :

1. Allocate an array on the heap of type double with arraySize elements . This may get too large

for the stack, so make sure you allocate it on the heap (free store).

2. Run numThreads threads, each of which initializes an approximately equal portion of the

array. For example, if numThreads is 8, each thread should initialize 1⁄8 of the array. Make

sure you handle round-off correctly if arraySize is not an even multiple of numThreads. Each

element of the array should be initialized to the square root of the index of the element.

3. Wait for all of the initialization threads to complete,