
fibanocci with one RECURSIVE CALL only

通常fibanocci要两个递归调用  复杂度o(2^n)

但是用指针的话,可以只用1次call   复杂度 o(n)

(10 minutes) Write a program called fib.c that calculates the nth fibanocci

number. The equation for the Fibonacci numbers is defined as follows:



  1. Name your executable fib.out
  2. Your program should accept N as a command line argument
  3. You MUST solve this program RECURSIVELY
  4. Unlike the example in class, you may only have ONE RECURSIVE CALL in

    your function

    1. Hint pointers help make this possible.

  5. Here are the first 100 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence
  6. Examples

    1../fib.out 0
    The 0th fibanocci number is 0.

    2../fib.out 1
    The 1th fibanocci number is 1.

    3../fib.out 10
    The 10th fibanocci number is 55.


帮助代写程序,实现wcount.c, perimeter.c, tail.c

Homework 5 Files to submit: wcount.c, perimeter.c, tail.c, ReadMe.txt

  • All programs must compile without warnings when using the -Wall option
  • If you are working in a group ALL members must submit the assignment on SmartSite
  • Submit only the files requested◦ Do NOT submit folders or compressed files such as .zip, .rar, .tar, .targz, etc
  • All output must match the provided solution in order to receive credit◦ We use a program to test your code so it must match exactly to receive credit
  • All input will be valid unless stated otherwise
  • The examples provided in the prompts do not represent all possible input you can receive.Please see the Tests folder for each problem for more adequate testing
  • You may assume all inputs are valid unless otherwise specified
  • All inputs in the examples in the prompt are underlined



Homework 4
Files to submit: mat_add.c, all files need to compile connectn.out, a Makefile for connectn.out

  • All programs must compile without warnings when using the -Wall option
  • If you are working in a group ALL members must submit the assignment on SmartSite
  • Submit only the files requested◦ Do NOT submit folders or compressed files such as .zip, .rar, .tar, .targz, etc
  • All output must match the provided solution in order to receive credit◦ We use a program to test your code so it must match exactly to receive credit
  • All input will be valid unless stated otherwise
  • The examples provided in the prompts do not represent all possible input you can receive.Please see the Tests folder for each problem for more adequate testing
  • You may assume all inputs are valid unless otherwise specified
  • All inputs in the examples in the prompt are underlined

C++ class repositioned items

In many applications, the order of the data items in a list changes over time. Not only are new data items added and existing ones removed, but data items are repositioned within the list. The following operation is needed to move a data item to the beginning of an array. Do not use a vector for this assignment.

Precondition: the array is not empty.

Postcondition: This function removes the data item marked by a cursor from an array and reinserts the data item at the beginning of the array.

cursor is some indicator for the element to be moved.  It may be an index number or a search key.  For example, the function could take in the index number 4 to move the fifth element of the array to the front.  Alternatively, the function could take in the search string “Joe” and if found in the array, that “Joe” element would be moved to the front.  You can select the strategy you prefer for the cursor.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Create a class that has an arra

COMP2355 PA3 solution



In this assignment you will perform a parallel breadth-first search (BFS) of the 4×3 Sliding Tile state space. The result of this search will be that the distance of every state in the state space from the initial configuration will be stored in an array. In C++ you can only access items in an array using an integer offset. Thus, we cannot directly map between our Sliding Tile puzzle class and an element in the depth array. Luckily, there is a 1-to-1 mapping between states in the puzzle and integers between 0 and 12!/2. We can perform this mapping using what are called “Ranking” and “Unranking” functions. A ranking function will convert a state into an integer, and an unranking function will convert an integer into the corresponding state. T

ENEE140 solution


Project 2: Integer Arithmetic Expression Evaluator

Project Objective:

1. get familiar with the process of completing a programming project.

2. learn how to use and manipulate arrays.

3. understand precedence and associative rules.

4. use program selection: if, if-else, switch statements.

5. use basic loops (while, do-while, for) for repetition.

Project Description:

In this project, you will design and implement a program to evaluate an arithmetic

expression. The arithmetic expression will contain only integers, both positive and negative, and

the following six basic binary operators +, -, %, /, *, and ^ as well as parentheses ().

Your program should read in the expression from an input file. The input file has a

specific format, which is described below. After reading the expression, you first will need to

evaluate all the negative operands in the expression; next you will evaluate the expression inside

the parentheses; followed by the power operator ^, then *, /, and % operators, and f

COMP2355 lab11 solution


In this lab you’ll implement a program which uses multiple threads to divide up a simple problem

into independent sub-tasks. Source code for this lab is supplied in .

Write the function ThreadedSum which is declared as:

double ThreadedSum(int numThreads, size_t arraySize);

You’ll find an empty function definition in main.cpp in the supplied source code. This function

should :

1. Allocate an array on the heap of type double with arraySize elements . This may get too large

for the stack, so make sure you allocate it on the heap (free store).

2. Run numThreads threads, each of which initializes an approximately equal portion of the

array. For example, if numThreads is 8, each thread should initialize 1⁄8 of the array. Make

sure you handle round-off correctly if arraySize is not an even multiple of numThreads. Each

element of the array should be initialized to the square root of the index of the element.

3. Wait for all of the initialization threads to complete,