
GMU cs112 solution

Programming Project 6

This semester you will be writing a program that models elements of recognizing and creating characters. Optical character recognition is an important area of research that allows photographs or printed documents to be digitized; by doing so, these documents are made available for machine-based searching. On the flip side, a system for differentiating between humans and computers: the goal here is to generate a non-machine readable image that a human could identify. CAPTCHA helps reduce the amount of spam on the Internet.

We will implement a highly limited type of image matching, processing, and creation this semester. Rather than write this project at once, we will break the project down into

python Tkinter recursively tree

Implement a program that shall recursively draw a “tree” in a Tkinter Canvas.

The program shall consist of a non-resizable 500×500 px canvas in a non-resizable window and a menu bar. The menu bar shall have one pull-down menu named “Draw” with two items named “Repaint” and “Exit”.

The “Exit” menu item, when selected, shall gracefully terminate the program.

The “Repaint” menu item, when selected, shall clear the canvas and draw a recursive tree at random position growing “up” (in the direction 90°). The initial length of the stem shall be 128 px. The tree shall have the number of cascades selected uniformly at random between 3 and 7, inclusive.

One cascade of the tree of length L, growing from the position (X,Y) in the direction D, shall consist of (see the attached file):

  1. the stem represented as a black line segment of length L originating at (X,Y) and forming the angle D degrees with the horizonta axis, and
  2. two trees of length L*0.8, growing from the end of the stem in the directions