
C++ code optimiaztion via gprof and gcov


Due date: April 2, in class

Read about the linpack benchmark at


Download the (slightly modified) file linpack.c from


When running this benchmark on a 2.66GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon, I obtain this table (MFLOPS

is million floating-point operations per second):

n max MFLOPS compiler flags

100 329.813 gcc

1000 410.306

330.914 -O0

931.276 -O1

930.425 -O2

1276.764 -O3

408.111 -O0

1208.931 -O1

1220.399 -O2

1619.045 -O3

Problem 1 (6 points) Study the compile options of the gcc compiler, and in particular the

optimization flags, and the flags that are related to SSE instructions.

Produce the same table for each of penguin, mills, and your own computer. Keep the same

flags as above, but you can also add other flags. Try to obtain as high count as you can. Submit

the three tables and a discussion on your results.

Note. You can obtain information about your system