Month: September 2016

Sql Assignment

Assume that Garden Glory designs a database with the following tables.

OWNER (OwnerID, OwnerName, OwnerEmail, OwnerType)

PROPERTY (PropertyID, PropertyName, Street, City, State, Zip,OwnerID)

GG_EMPLOYEE (EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, CellPhone, ExperienceLevel)

SERVICE (PropertyID, EmployeeID, ServiceDate, HoursWorked)

The referential integrity constraints are:

OwnerID in PROPERTY must exist in OwnerID in OWNER

PropertyID in SERVICE must exist in PropertyID in PROPERTY

EmployeeID in SERVICE must exist in EmployeeID in GG_EMPLOYEE

Prepare tables and data:

1.Download Assign-3-create-tables.sql, Assign-3-insert-data.sql, and Assign-3-delete-tables.sql from ANGEL->Solutions->Homework Assignment 3 Solution

2.Delete the tables you have created for Assignment 3-1 in your database usingAssign-3-delete-tables.sql

3.Create tables

Web Final Project


You are required to develop a web based matching system, for example matching of jobs required by employers to skills of potential employees,

1.Potential employers post the details of the kinds of employees they are looking for and job seekers post their skills and experience and the system matches employers to job seekers.

2.Sellers post descriptions of items they have for sale and buyers post descriptions of items they want to buy and the system matches buyers and sellers.

3.Trades people post their expertise and location and householders post details of problems they want fixed or jobs they want done.

4.A matchmaking site.

5.Any other producer-consumer situation of your choice.

The system must:

  • Permit users to register
  • Provide the necessary transactions for data entry
  • Provide appropriate matching algorithms
  • Operate from desktops and mobile devices
  • Provide appropriate admin functionality

You can ad

mongodb 代做

In this assignment, you will show that you can work with different NoSQL systems for

data persistence and understand the strength and weakness of each system with respect to

certain workload features. You are asked to work with a music data set and a list of target

queries. You will design data schema based on the data set feature and the given query

workload for MongoDB, Neo4j and HBase respectively. You will show that your design can

support the target queries by load the data in each system following your schema and run

queries against the data.


理解MongoDB, Neo4j 和HBase的的设计和persistence

Arizona Hold-Em

Arizona Hold-Em

Collaboration: Solo  This project is to be completed individually with help only from section leaders and Rick. All code you turn in must be written by you except for any code, tests, and/or design from lecture or section.
First get this unit test for PokerHand to ensure your PokerHand works. You may need to fix your PokerHand type, or tell Rick of new test cases he hasn’t thought of 

C++ Basic

C++ Basic
The first assignment is intended to reacquaint you with C++, your programming environment, and software design.
If you are familiar with C++ this assignment (both parts 1 and 2) will be straightforward. If this assignment isn’t
straightforward, you may not have enough C++ background to take CS3251.
You are being provided with three files: main.cpp, TestType.h, and a CMakeLists.txt. The task for Part
1 of the assignment is to provide a SimpleArray.h file that contains all necessary include files, the class
definition, function definitions (appropriately commented) and comments (as required by the course coding
standard) that would make the code compile cleanly.
All stud