
CSCE614 solution supersalar

CSCE614 Computer Architecture (Spring 2015)

Homework #4 (Pseudo-Associative Cache)

(Due: Beginning of class on 4/17/2015)


This project is to help you understand how pseudo-associative (column-associative) cache works. You

will initially analyze the sensitivity of L1 caches to changes in parameters. Then you are to implement L1

data cache as pseudo-associative in SimpleScalar and compare its performance to the normal direct-
mapped L1 data cache.

System Requirement

Linux operating system is needed in order to use the pre-compiled little-endian Alpha ISA SPEC2000

binaries. Do not use Cygwin. If you don’t have any linux machine, please use linux.cs.tamu.edu with your

CS account. If you don’t have CS account, contact HelpDesk located in the first floor.

Setting up the environment and installing SimpleScalar

1. Download and Install SimpleScalar 3.0.

(1) Download simplesim-3v0e.tgz from http://www.simplescalar.com/.

(2) Untar the downloaded file.

$ tar xzvf simplesim-3v0e.tgz

(3) Read the